GOHP Interviewing Tips
Interviewing for Oral History
At the GOHP we’re dedicated to helping as many people as possible become oral historians. We’d love everyone to get on board – a microphone in every hand and a tale on every lip, if you will.
But developing your oral history production skills takes time, patience and practice – and the resources to learn from over 50 years of collected knowledge about the practice of oral history. Here at the GOHP we’re linking to some of the best, free oral history resources available, to help you learn and develop as an oral historian.
Click on any of the links below to find out more abut the art and craft of interviewing for oral history, or head on over to our Tech Tips page for more information about audio production techniques.
Videos about Oral History Interviewing
Useful Articles about Interviewing
The Smithsonian Folklife and Oral History Interviewing Guide
An excellent (and downloadable) guide to oral history interviewing with keywords explained, sample questions, and tips on conducting the interview itself
Oral History for Texans: How to Interview
From the Baylor Institute for Oral History comes Chapter 3 from Thomas L. Charlton’s classic text, Oral History for Texans, one of the most detailed guides to interviewing for oral history on the web
Conducting an Oral History Interview
A concise but comprehensive guide to preparing and conducting an oral history interview from the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission
Oral History: Technique
An excellent, short primer on the techniques and skills to develop as an oral historian, with some good advice about approaching difficult topics
Museums Victoria Discovery Centre
With heaps of videos, articles and information, Museums’ Victoria provides an excellent getting started guide to “digital history”
A Practical Guide to Oral History
From the Southern Oral History Program at the University of North Carolina comes this comprehensive guide, with several pages dedicated to interviewing tips
The Australian War Memorial: Guide to Recording Oral Histories
An excellent guide for the general public about how to go about conducting oral history interviews with past or current Australian Defence Force members
The Human Interest and Oral History Interview
Two experienced interviewers from Radio NZ give us the benefit of their accrued knowledge in this book chapter aimed at the amateur oral historian
California Stories Uncovered
A thorough look at the entire oral history interview process written by Dr Cindy Mediavilla, a former public librarian and UCLA lecturer
Oral History Methodology
A more academic piece from David Russell, Director of the Oral History Program at UCSB, delivers a very in-depth look at the methodology of oral history interviews