Star Trek Next Generation; Darmok
Classic Cult TV Club
Monthly Podcast; February
Star Trek, Next Generation; Darmok.
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), with Lisa, Alex, Angus, Gypsy, Janette and Justin.
The “Culters” have already watched a sample of the original Star Trek with mixed reactions and now for Star Trek Next Generation. How does it match up to the original? Picard or Kirk for the Captain’s Chair, and should Galaxy Quest be considered a Star Trek movie. The “Culters” discuss these critical issues and more.
Episode first screened in the U.S on 30th September 1991. Directed by Winnich Kolbe, written by Joe Menosky and Phillip LaZabnik based on a concept of Gene Roddenberry. It starred Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean Luc Picard, Jonathan Frakes as Commander William Riker, LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge, Micheal Dorn as Worf, Gates McFadden as Dr Beverley Crusher, Marina Siritis as Deanna Troy and Brent Spinner as Data.
Podcast recorded 22-1-2020 in Gawler South
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive
Hope you enjoy it.