Wednesday 19th August 2020
Part of the Series “Looking Back with the Bunyip”
Produced by janette on August 27, 2020
Tags - The Bunyip Newspaper
Produced by janette on August 27, 2020
Tags - The Bunyip Newspaper
Looking back at Gawler’s history through the columns of the Bunyip Newspaper with Editor, Sara Gilligan from Wednesday 19 August 2020. This week the stories cover issues with damaged railway freight, a concert at the Institute, rate increases and complaints about road safety in the vicinity of Gawler Primary School. Could all be stories in this weeks’ edition, but for the writing style.
Read more local news at the Bunyip Website here
Opening and closing music taken from A Tribute to Robbie Burns by Dougie Mathieson and Mags Macfarlane

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