Location Location Location
Adelaide Plains Chapter and Verse monthly podcast recorded Thursday 27th June at the Studio, Community House, Gawler.
Welcome to our monthly writing podcast with Carolyn, Michelle and Janette.
This is short instalment due to the demands of organising the upcoming Festival of Words. The news local and international is covered.
The forgotten word is “ruttier”, the only word Janette could find that related, tangentially at least, to the Festival theme, Location, so if you would like to know what it means then listen to our podcast.
This month’s listeners’ challenge Gawler and the Adelaide Plains Region to tie into the Festival them of Location.
Please use the GBA email for submissions, ([email protected]) and put APCaV Gawler Icons in the title.
Opening music courtesy of Matt Oakely at http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Matt_Oakley/
Hope you enjoy our podcast.