Dr Who; An Unearthly Child
Classic Cult TV Club
Monthly Podcast
Doctor Who; Series 1 Episode 1 “The Unearthly Child”
Episode first screened on the BBC U.K. Saturday 23rd November 1963. Episode written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein, produced by Verity Lambert, and starring William Hartnell as The Doctor, Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright and William Russell as Ian Chesterton.
Podcast recorded 06-11-2019
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), with Justin, Janette, Alex, Lisa, Gypsy and Angus.
The “culters” settle down with a bag of English jelly babies and pack of Australia’s attempt at Jammy Dodgers to watch the classic of all classics, the first episode of Classic Dr Who, An Unearthly Child. How well does this first episode of one of televisions longest running tv shows stand the test of time, and how many stars does Angus give it..
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive