Classic Cult TV Club: Animaniacs
Monthly Podcast
Animaniacs; Series One, episode One, Jurassic Lark and snippets from the original series.
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), with Lisa, Mackenzie, Alex, Angus, Gypsy, Janette and Justin.
IT is Mackenzie’s pick and she has chosen Animaniacs but there is a complication. She wants to bring the rebooted series to the table so as a compromise the culters watch the first episode of the reboot and some short clips on Youtube from the original series.
Created by Stephen Spielberg the original series aired from 1993 to 1999. The reboot premiered on Hulu on 20th-November, 2020. There have been two series made to date with a third announced. Both versions star, Rob Paulsen as Yakko Warner, Pinky and Dr Scratchansniff, Jess Harnell as Wakko Warner, Tress MacNeillie as Dot Warner, and Maurice LaMarche as The Brain.
Podcast recorded 29-06-2022 in Gawler South
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive
Hope you enjoy it.