Classic Cult TV Club: Dr Who. The Daemons.
Monthly Podcast; November
Dr Who, Series 8, 5th story, The Daemons.
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), with Lisa, Alex, Angus, Gypsy, Janette and Justin.
November is Dr Who month at the Cult TV Club and this year they are following the adventures of the third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee. So what do the “Culters” think of the “Bond” Doctor, his arch nemesis, The Master, his “assistant”, Jo Grant and back up, UNIT?
The story was first broadcast from the 22nd May – 19th June 1971. Created by Matt Groening, written by “Guy Leopold, (actually Robert Sloman and Barry Letts), directed by Christopher Barry, Produced by Barry Letts and featuring Jon Pertwee as The Doctor, Katy Manning as Jo Grant, Roger Delgado as The Master, Nicholas Courtney as The Brigadier, John Levene as Sergeant Benton, Richard Franklin as Captain Mike Yates and Damaris Hayman as Miss Hawthorn.
Podcast recorded 30-11-2021 in Gawler South *delayed due to Covid
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive
Hope you enjoy it.