Looking Back with the Bunyip: Wednesday 21st October
Looking back at Gawler’s history through the columns of the Bunyip Newspaper with Editor, Sara Gilligan from Wednesday 21st October 2020. 150 years ago the bunyip featured a story on preparing for harvest… 100 years ago an article with the intriguing headline Routing the bookmaker was printed. 50 years ago the Bunyip reported on nine holiday shacks being wrecked by vandals…25 years ago the paper covered a Gladiator story and ten years ago marked the anniversary of Willaston’s Precious Souls Memorial…. This week’s Bunyip has a story about that anniversary.
Read more local news at the Bunyip Website here https://bunyippress.com.au/
Opening and closing music taken from A Tribute to Robbie Burns by Dougie Mathieson and Mags Macfarlane