Two Peas in a Podcast; Lawns and Sheds
What do shed’s zucchinis and acres of lucerne have in common? Well, no true gardener worth their weight in loam can do without them.
Trevor has cleaned out his shed for the first time in ten years and admits that a spade is not merely a spade-it is just a small part of any true gardeners’ repertoire of tools. While Michelle ponders the truly unique characteristics of any avid lawn grower and realizes that she possesses more zucchini recipes than is possibly normal for one person to know. In the meantime, the rooster in the background is crying out for more wonderful tips on growing lucerne-and could this be the next trendy lawn?
Music; Shift of Currents by Blue Dot Sessions
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Really enjoyed this podcast even though I was disappointed to discover red agapanthus don’t exist! It reminded me of seeing a vase of pink snowdrops when I was a young child and discovering someone had put ordinary snowdrops in red ink to get that colour.