Classic Cult TV Club – Batman: 1960s Style
Batman, Season 1, episode 5 The Joker is Wild & 6, Batman is Riled
(First screened In U.S, 1966. Recorded 14-11-2018)
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), episode four with Justin, Lisa, Alex, Terry and Janette.
In this episode “culters” discuss the dynamic duo of daring do, Batman and Robin the boy wonder in the classic of classics, the iconic 1960s Batman TV series, the one with that theme tune, dada dada, dada, BATMAAAAN”. A strong contender for the Classic Cult TV Club’s cheesiest show ever gong, the series, though only running for two years from 1966 to 1968, certainly packed a punch in popular culture.
The episodes put under the Cult TV Club spotlight are The Joker is Wild and Batman is Riled from the first series. So crackers at the ready for an audacious adventure with the dynamic duo…
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive
Hope you enjoy it.