Classic Cult TV Club; Babylon Five Crusade
Monthly Podcast; March
B.5 Crusade, Series 1, episode The Long Road.
Welcome to the Classic Cult TV Club, (CCtvC), with Lisa, Alex, Angus, Gypsy, Janette and Justin.
This month the Culters are subjected to what might not quite qualify as a cult classic. Crusade was a shortlived spin off series to Babylon Five. Why was it axed? Can Gypsy cope with the dodgy CGI? These questions and more will be addressed in the podcast. (though we can’t promise that they will be answered.)
The episode was first broadcast on the 16th June 1999 in the U.S.. The episodes where broadcast out of order. There is still discussion between fans about the correct viewing order. The series was created and written by J.Michael Stracznski, (JMS). Episode directed by Mike Vejar, and staring Gary Cole as Captain Matthew Gideon, Daniel Day Kim as Lieutenant John Mathesan and Peter Woodward as Galen with special guest star, Edward Woodward. (Peter’s father) Other Crusade regulars not appearing in this episode are Tracy Scroggins as Captain Elizabeth Locheley, David Allen Brooks as Max Eilerson, Marjean Holden as Dr Sarah Chambers and Carrie Dobro as Dureena Nafeel.
This episode includes a tribute to Mira Furlan, one of the stars of Babylon Five who passed away on the 20th January this year. Mira played the role of Mimbari Ambassador Delenn, an much loved, inspirational character. Delenn does not appear in Crusade but we knew that while the events in the story were taking place Delenn was busy running the Universe and keeping the Rangers under control. Mira Furlan also had a major role in the TV series Lost playing the character of Danielle Rosseau.
Podcast recorded 10-02-2021 in Gawler South
Opening and closing music courtesy of Matt Oakley @Free Music Archive

Hope you enjoy it.