Writers on Genre and other things
Adelaide Plains Chapter and Verse monthly podcast recorded Thursday 30th August at the P/A Hotel, Murray St Gawler.
Welcome to our monthly writing podcast with Janette, Carolyn and Michelle with much to talk about. Carolyn shared news about the recent Poets @ the Pub workshop and guest poet. Janette read out some literary anniversaries.
The discussion was about the genre those present preferred to write in, which turned out to be more involved than expected.
Michelle read her gardening item from the Crossroad Chronicle about the joys of winter and arrival of spring.
The forgotten word this month is “snarker” which has two meanings. Listen to the podcast to find out more.
This month’s listeners challenge is the Gawler Show which took place a week before the podcast was recorded.
Please use the GBA email for submissions, ([email protected]) and put APCaV Gawler Icons in the title.
Opening music courtesy of www.bensound.com
Hope you enjoy.